A wart appears near about the mouth of the anus in this disease. Sometimes, this wart is in spear shape because of which the patient feels too much problem.
Treatment of this disease by following drugs:
1.Thuja: The patient of this disease should take the medicine Thuja-3 at the regular intervals of 6 hours to get rid of the warts of piles. Besides, he should apply mother tincture in this disease twice a day. The use of Thuja is very useful to get rid of warts. Its use deforms the shape of the wart after its application. The wart changes into the shape of cauliflower or fig by swelling. One should observe such symptoms before the treatment. Such symptoms are as perspiration on the uncovered portion of the body, no perspiration on the covered portion of the body, perspiration after sleeping and no perspiration after awakening. The wart appears because of the infection of the poison of gonorrhea hidden in the body. The patient who has above-mentioned symptoms should take Thuja 3 to take relief in this disease.
2. Causticum: If the wart appeared near about the rectum is in spear shape not in deformed shape like cauliflower, the use of the medicine named Causticum 30should be taken to get relief.
3. Nitric acid: If there is poison in the body due to syphilis because of which a wart appears near about the rectum, which is in deformed shape like cauliflower and has been increasing in growth, the use of the medicine nitric acid 30 is very useful. Blood comes from the wart because of its excessive sensitiveness.
4. Madoninum: If there is wart at the mouth of the rectum, the use of Madoninum 200 or 1m will prove beneficial.